The Devil’s Jigsaw

$17.95 (Approx. USD $10.79)



by Barry R Smith


Chapter 1:A Precis From Our Last Book
  • “Better Than Nostradamus”
  • International Language
Chapter 2:The Plan
  • The Strategy
  • Loss of Sovereignty
Chapter 3:The List of Catchwords for New Zealand
  • the Guinea Pig
  • Stock Market Hiccups
  • The Background
Chapter 4:Another Nail in the Coffin
  • MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment)
  • Stage II of the Sellout
Chapter 5:Goodbye Government
  • Hello Business
  • Shocking News
  • No Tax for Big Time Aussies
  • A Serious Question
  • Crazy Man, Crazy
  • The End Result of MAI
  • Open Slather World-Wide
Chapter 6:Goodbye Tax Haven
  • Tax Avoidence or Tax Evasion
  • Channel Islands’ Illustration
  • Sark
Chapter 7:Chain of Command
  • 1000 Points of Light
Chapter 8:Goodbye Aussie
  • Goodbye Greece
  • Goodbye Italy
  • Who is Selling Up Telecommunications in Europe?
Chapter 9:The Planners
  • Think Tanks
  • The Adam Smith Institute
  • Mont Pelerin Society
  • Pecking Order
  • The Bank for Internation Settlements
  • New Zealand Business Round Table
  • Back to the Hamilton Water Supply Again
Chapter 10:The IMF Wolf
  • Proof, Proof, Proof
  • South East Asia Ready for the High Jump
  • Kicking and Screaming
  • Big Bad Wolf
  • Catch Words
  • A Brief Look at Thailand
  • Korea in the Kaktus
  • The Problem with the IMF
  • Goodbye Korea
  • We’re All Locked TIn Together
  • A Public Challenge
  • War Ahead?
  • The Berlin Wall
  • A Big Satan
Chapter 11:Corrupt Unlimiter Power
  • The IMF
  • Even the World Bank is Upset with the IMF
  • The Trade Unions Pipe Up
  • Mind Boggling Info
  • The People in South East Asia are Stunned
Chapter 12:Treason (Privatisation)
  • Hang them All
  • Why Not?
  • What About Great Britain?
Chapter 13:South East Asain Crunch Time (Early 1998)
  • Hot Off the Press
  • Important Initial Facts
  • Hegelian Dialectic
  • Catch Words
  • Korean Shortages
  • All Countries are Linked in Trouble
  • Airlines Affected
  • Australia and New Zealand Loan Korea Money for Bailout
  • New Zealand Companies Affected
  • A Gold Rush in Reverse
  • Suicide – A Bad Option
  • The Personal Side of the Korean Tradgedy
  • Reforms in South East Asia
  • Interdependence
Chapter 14:The Net Expands
  • Goodbye Thailand
  • Goodbye Indonesia
  • Goodbye Malaysia
  • Goodbye Taiwan
  • Goodbye China
  • Goodbye Chinese Communism
  • Look at This and Marvel
  • It’s Worse Than You Think
  • Japan the Trigger
  • Haunting Words
  • Goodbye Japan
  • Earthquake – Japan
  • The Main Event
  • G10 Bankers Hopeful
Chapter 15:Links in a Chain
  • Asian Crisis Hits Other Countries
  • Australia Suffering
  • Hawaii Suffering
  • America Suffering
  • Japan Suffering
  • A Key Statement
Chapter 16:The U.S. Role in the Conspiracy
  • The U.S. Role in the Conspiracy
  • Bill Blythe Will Continue with the New World Order Plan
  • Very Important – Method of Operation
  • Hegelian Logic – Summary
  • Assets Testing
  • Don’t Rock the Boat
  • Secure the Job
  • Bad News
  • A Clear Statement
  • No Other Options
  • Apparent Political Suicide – Rule
Chapter 17:America and Freemasonry
  • Precis
  • Read and Understand the Message – Meaning
  • 2 Questions
  • Further Light on the Subject for Doubters
  • The Kabalah
  • The Evil Power over America – Lucifer
  • The Capstone Needs to be Placed on the Pyramid
  • America is Run by the Devil
  • Freemasonry’s Influence on America
  • And That’s Not All
  • Freemasons, Declare Yourselves
  • Corruption of the Law
  • Hooray
  • The Cat is Out of the Bag
Chapter 18:America, You are Doomed and You’re So Young
  • The Gulf War Syndrome
  • A Clear Prophecy
Chapter 19:Britannia Rules the Waves
  • Ethnos Will Fight Against Ethnos
  • Prime Minister Tony Blair and Iraq
  • Hello, hello, hello
  • Tony has been to New Zealand
  • What Tony Learned from Down Under
  • Tony’s Reforms
  • His Promises
  • Illustration
  • Unions Very Upset
  • Cold Reactions
  • Enter One Bill Clinton
  • Clinton Plans to Push Blair Towards Europe
  • Tony’s Tasks
Chapter 20:Governments of the World in the Hands of Global Pirates
  • Attitudes to China
Chapter 21:1998 – Rumours Abound
  • MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment)
  • Change of Anthem Necessary
  • Government No Longer Requires Foreign Investment Group
  • New Zealand and 1998
  • Australia and 1998
  • 1998 – Israel’s 50th Jubilee
  • Jubilee Events
Chapter 22:Russia and the New World Order
  • The Result of His Policies
  • What was the Yltimate Result?
  • The Russian Invasion of Israel
  • After the Peace Treaty
  • Which Nations will Invade Israel?
  • An Outline of the Invasion
  • What Spirit Is Controlling Russia?
Chapter 23:The Millennium Bug
  • Lies, lies, lies
  • The Most Obvious Lie
  • Bad News
  • Total World-wide Chaos
  • Solving the Problem
  • Change the Dates
  • Put New Dates on the Computer
  • Should Governments Work to Update Their Computers?
  • Why is the Media Not Warning Us?
  • Could the Commerce Collapse Earlier?
  • Which Areas of Society will be Affected?
  • Proof, proof, proof
  • A Note in Passing for Sceptics
Chapter 24:The Great Pyramid of Giza
  • An Amazing Discovery
  • 3 Important Questions
  • Astounding Findings
  • A History Book in Stone
  • A Filthy Usurper
  • A Thrilling Discovery
Chapter 25:The Completed Jigsaw
  • The Problem
  • My Questions to You
  • A Covenant Agreement
  • Your Covenant Prayer
  • Here is the Promise
  • New Birth Certificate

Additional information

Weight .22 kg
Dimensions 20 × 12.9 × 1.2 cm
First Published

