Second Warning

$17.95 (Approx. USD $11.09)



by Barry R Smith

First Published: 1985
Pages: 226


Chapter 1: Cash Will Crash In A Flash
  • Special Drawing Rights (S.D.R’s)
  • What About Credit Cards?
  • How Do We Protect Ourselves?
  • What About Land and Real Estate?
  • What Security is There Then?
  • Plastic Card Problems
  • What About The Computer Mark On Food?
  • Who Thought These Marks Up?
Chapter 2: A Cleaver Con To Catch Citizens
  • The Mark Of The Beast
  • Seven Year Peace Treaty
  • Beginning Of Sorrows
  • Great Tribulation
Chapter 3: The Net Closes
  • Third World On Phone
  • Who or What is Organising All This?
  • Monetary Reform 50 Year Cycle
  • Back to The Club Of Rome
  • Seeds Under Attack – Plant Variety Rights P.V.R.
  • Danger Famine Ahead
  • Fisheries
  • Energy
Chapter 4: Kissinger Capers
  • Ivan Panin Proves Authority of Bible
  • What Is Henry Up To?
  • Law Systems Become Corrupt
Chapter 5: World Government
  • The Seal on the US $1
  • Explanation of the Seal
  • The Plan Behind the Seal
  • A Money Devil
  • The Eye in the Triangle
  • Big Brother
  • New Age Movement
  • Education and New Age
Chapter 6: Any Light In This Dark Tunnel
  • Parlimentarians Need Sensible Help
  • World Government Will Confiscate Guns, Ammunition and Communications Equipment
  • The Only Light In This Tunnel
Chapter 7: Freemasonry
  • Reasons For Joining the Lodge
  • British Royal Family Envolvement
  • Church Leaders and Members Involved
  • Degrees of Freemasonry
  • Holy Books Used
  • Apprentice Degree, Fellow Craft Oath, Master Mason Oath and Practice
  • Who is the God of Freemasonry?
  • Dangers to the Law System
Chapter 8: How To Set A Freemason Free
  • Four Weapons
  • Things to Leave at Home
  • A Formula to Follow
Chapter 9: The World Church
  • List of Characters Explained
  • Roman Catholics
  • The Mass
  • A Shock for Roman Catholic and Protestant Alike
Chapter 10: Go To Hell
  • The Occult, Witchcraft, Tea Cup and Palm Reading, Divination
  • Contact with Spirit Mediums
  • All Spiritualist Churches are Demonic
  • Fortune Tellers, Humanism, Seances and Ouija Boards
  • Ancestral Spirits, Eastern Religion, Martial Arts, Fire Walking
  • False Cults
  • Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Armstrongism
  • Hare Krishna, Moonies, Rosacrucianism, Scientology
  • Tongues for Salvation, Seventh Day Adventism
  • Tarot Cards, E.S.P., Numerology, Psychic Healing
  • Halloween, Druids
  • Hypnotism
  • Homosexuality
  • Abortion
  • Compulsive Gambling, Drug Taking, Tobacco, Alcohol
  • Sensitivity Training
  • Wrong Reading and Viewing
  • Artefacts
  • Satanists
  • Anthroposophy
  • Soap Operas
Chapter 11: Can’t Stop The Music
  • Stages of Musical Disintegration
  • The Elements of Music
Chapter 12: What About The Russians?
  • Detailed Description of the Destruction of Russian Communism
Chapter 13: What About America?
  • Ronald Reagan
  • George Bush
  • Walter Mondale
  • Geraldine Ferraro
Chapter 14: Dynamite Available
Chapter 15: Bits And Pieces
  • Plastic Cards
  • Goodbye Cheques
  • Computers
  • Creation – Big Bang Theory
  • Evolution Down the Tubes
  • Money
  • Women’s Lib
  • Strange Bills and Laws Being Passed
  • Red Herrings
  • World Government Expansion
  • The U.S. Elections
  • Russia
  • Aboriginal Land Rights
  • What About New Zealand?
  • Video’s, Art & Music
Chapter 16: What To Do
Chapter 17: The Key Chapter
Postscript on Evolution

Additional information

Weight .20 kg
Dimensions 20 × 12.9 × 1.0 cm